Our apartment is definitely NOT made for 6 adults but we made it work. Clark even got to enjoy leisurly baths in our sink!

Danny and I had taken the week off from work so we tried to cram in as many things as possible with my family. One thing that I really loved was sharing different Korean foods with them and seeing how they liked jimdak, dak albi, shabu shabu, toast, and all the sweet breads they can eat! I am quite impressed with how well they did... well really I'm impressed at how well my Mom did! She made sure to get a picture of her eating so she had proof that she ate Korean food with the best of them. Here she is eating jimdak:
Already being a foreigner in Korea gets you some glances, but let me tell you that having my sister here made us unstoppable. I think it is easy to say that the 6 of us easily blew some Korean minds that week: One tall white guy, 2 blondes, one half asian baby, and Danny and I. You may wonder, "Aren't you forgetting someone?" I am not mentioning Albert, my Chinese brother-in-law, in the crowd of foreigners because he was constantly thought to be a Korean! After about a day, Albert had to memorize the line, "Hangook saram ani aeyo." (which means "I'm not Korean.")
Abby probably got the most attention that week since she was the one carrying Clark most of the time. Who knew that a pretty girl, who is blonde, and who is carrying an adorable baby is the perfect trifecta to draw Korean women from miles around? Really, Drew Barrymore or Nicole Kidman couldn't have done any better.

The guys found some entertainment for a while seeing how close they could get to the spiders and as you can see they all walked away feeling like men being that not one girly scream came from them. Good job boys.