As I mentioned before, Danny and I had a great holiday season and we rang in the new year in an especially exciting way... A SCAVENGER HUNT! A friend of mine gave me the idea to do a photo scavenger hunt, so on New Year's Eve, a group of us competed in an "Only in Korea" hunt. The list of 40 different things were things that you would see "only in Korea"! It was an epic one hour battle between "Booty Domination" (the girls) and "Team Shark, Riding a Ninja, Riding a Bald Eagle, Riding a Dolphin, Screaming the Word FREEDOM...!" or something like that... I couldn't remember the whole 50 part name because it was so ridiculous(the boys). It's funny that most of this stuff is "normal" to us now, but really when we leave Korea and don't see pig heads smiling at me at the local grocery store, I will know that I'm not in Crazy Korea anymore. Oh and did I mention that team "Booty Domination" won?! GO GIRLS!
Here's the list for your enjoyment...
1. Socks with sandals
2. Tacky Tiger picture (3D extra half point)
3. Animal head meant to be eaten (No fish heads, BORING)
4. Matching couple: the girls only got matching shoes
5. A Hyundai car not in black, white, or silver: this actually isn't common in Korea... black, white, or silver are definitely their desired colors for a car.
6. Traditional ajuma wear (visor, flower prints...basically not matching)
7. Jindo Dog
8. Kid in a school uniform (One point for each kid in the same picture): we picked the ONE day we couldn't see any kids in uniforms but even on Sunday we often see uniforms!
9. Soju bottle in a outdoor public area
10. K-Pop poster: the groups are usually ridiculous... like Backstreet Boys on crack ; )
11. Someone eating bundaegi (silk worm larvae) or gulbangy (tiny snails in the shell): YUCK.
Here's the cute old man who was so excited to have the rest of the cut of bundaegi after Sarah and Suzanne gagged eating them...
12. Singing Noraebang
#15 Aren't they FREEZING!? |
13. Picture of the 28 bus
14. Old man in a fidora
15. Girl wearing shorts: this is also common in winter... in 16 degree weather...crazy, I know.
16. Person wearing a mask (doctor mask...or luchedora that would be awesome): this is either to help not get sick or help others not get your cold... I don't know which.
17. Pretending to ring a traditional bell
18. Old Korean people playing some sort of Korean game
This game is called Majohng and older Korean
LOVE it! |
19. Black Lespo, old man bicycle: also the bike that... ehem... Danny owns...ehem ; ) Just kidding Buddy, I think its cool!
20. An American flag (Bald Eagle included plus 10 points)
21. Person wearing fun Korean socks: we only saw a baby with them, but I know under all their shoes and boots that every Korean were wearing them.
22. Coffee in a dixie cup
23. Korean hiker: it's like they are off to Mt. Everest.
24. Person in a hanbok: this one didn't exactly count because those are REAL people, but nice try boys!
#24. Traditional Korean hanbok. |
25. Flowers in front of a new business
26. Korean Movie poster
27. Advertisement for Oriental Medicine
28. Picture with an Andong mask (the biggest mask gets the point): who's is bigger? ; )
29. Love Motel: these sound really shady, I know, but they aren't so bad ; )
#30 |
30. Cardboard collector: for a lot of older Koreans, their job is to collect cardboard all around town, and they can get a LOT as you can see.
31. 90 degree lady (Really, no one from your team): to explain, this is a lady that walks at a 90 degree angle. I think their back is bad from working in harder labor a while ago... really sad but common to see.
32. Picture of an Elementary School sign
33. Picture of a Middle School sign
34. Picture of a High School sign
35. Free hugs sign: we did see this later that night AND get on the local Korean news giving "free hugs!"
36. Danny's REAL Apple Truck (Automatic winner): we still haven't seen the real truck in the flesh so of course it would win instantly! If you ever see this truck, get a picture!!!!!!!!
37. Someone eating ramen: how is it that BOTH groups had to buy ramen... we couldn't find one Korean eating that day?!
38. Konglish shirt: this is a shirt that makes absolutely no sense... accomplished!
39. Someone exercising on an outdoor machine: I guess the boys scared away the actual exercisers...
40. Team pyramid (If there is a tie, most interesting place wins)
Team "Booty Domination": Oh yeah.
Team "Team Shark, Riding a Ninja, Riding a Bald Eagle, Riding a Dolphin, Screaming the Word FREEDOM...!" ... ok, boys this is pretty good : )
Overall it was a fantastic hunt and even though it was a rough battle...
... we all remained friends for the new year. Oh and did I mention the girls won?! ; )
The competitors: Emily, Chris, Lizzie, Jonathan, Pete, Sarah,
Gabi, Greg, Suzanne, and Danny and I! |
And, just for your viewing pleasure, here are a couple more things that you would see only in Korea. This...
And this...
(nice moves Buddy ; )
I hope this encourages you to do your own scavenger hunt... Korean or otherwise! Happy 2012, the year of the Dragon!